Raad Saif Rahman


Meet the multifaceted creative force behind Drawhouse Design, an architectural firm that transcends traditional boundaries. As a Co-Founder and accomplished photographer, they embody the belief that "It has little to do with what you see and more to do with how you see them." This philosophy is not just a guiding principle but a way of life, both in the world of architecture and through the lens of their camera. With an innate talent for capturing the essence of spaces and structures, they bring a unique perspective to their photography, much like their approach to design. Every photograph becomes a testament to their ability to uncover beauty in the seemingly mundane, transforming it into extraordinary art. Their work as a photographer complements their role at Drawhouse Design seamlessly. They understand that the interplay between light, form, and space is a language that transcends disciplines, and they masterfully communicate this language in their architectural projects and photographs alike. Drawhousedesign,
